Sep 18, 2018

'Footprints in the Snow' Hat-Making at Seven Hills School

Last month, I received an exciting email regarding certain second and third grade students at Seven Hills School (A private academy in Cincinnati, Ohio) who began the school year by celebrating Wolf Week in the Doherty Library. As part of their celebrations, they read 'Footprints in the Snow' and designed hats for Mr. Wolfe, their resident library wolf.

To my delight - and no doubt Mr. Wolfe's detriment - all these wonderful creations arrived at my door the following week. Thank you to all the highly talented hat-makers and milliners. I'm sure Mr. Nice Wolf from 'Footprints in the Snow' would love them, especially the tasty-looking duck ones! My niece has kindly modelled those that were not photographed as well. 

Also, I would like to say a huge thank you to Mrs. Linda Wolfe for her inspirational role as teacher and librarian in this - her 47th year - at the school (Amazing!)

I am really sorry about the two pictures that can not be seen here... Unfortunately some of the files were damaged and couldn't be recovered. Maybe the flash drive was chewed up by a disgruntled Mr. Wolfe...! ;)

Aug 19, 2018

Arvon 2018

Last week, I had a wonderful time teaching a 5-day Picture Book course together with the brilliant author/illustrator Alexis Deacon ("Slow Loris","Beegu","I am Henry Finch") at the Arvon writers retreat in Totleigh Barton, Devon.

It is my third time returning to the beautiful 16-century thatched manor house and every time, I come back feeling impassioned and newly inspired. There was a brilliant mix of talented participants and my co-tutor Alexis is an extremely gifted, wise, thoughtful and knowledgeable teacher.

The week involved a lot of creative exercises, sharing of work, discussions, idea development, delicious food and bonding over some wine or star-gazing. On the third night, the wonderful author/illustrator Katherina Manolessou joined us to talk about her work.

You can find out more about both Alexis and Katherina's work here:

All in all, it really was a fantastic week and the centre staff were brilliant from start to finish. I am looking forward to seeing what exciting work/publications may come from those who participated. Thank you to everyone and I hope to go back again in future!

Aug 17, 2018

NEW! Activity Books・アクティビティブック

New English Language Learning activity books are now available in Japan!

Published by MPI, they are based on my previous books "Goody Goody Gumdrops" and "Jack and Zak". There are lots of fun activities inside (Stickers too!) and these books provide a good base for English language learning for young children.

mpiさん出版、Goody Goody GumdropsとJack and Zakの絵本をベースに作られ、楽しく勉強になるアクティビティが盛りだくさんです。たくさんのシールも入っていますよ。