Oct 9, 2012


The Great Dog Bottom Swap has been published in Japan!
「いぬのおしりのだいじけん」 ほるぷ出版さんから出版されました! 日本語訳は、とてもすてきな灰島かりさんが翻訳して下さいました。 良かったら是非ご覧になってくださいね: http://www.holp-pub.co.jp/

Jun 1, 2012

Stratford Literary Festival

Bank Holiday Monday 7th May Despite the rainy weather, lots of enthusiastic youngsters came along to our Family Fun Day at the Stratford Literary Festival - and made some fantastic, creative & colourful woolly sheep.
It was lovely to see Sarah McIntyre (Thank you to her, Annie and Zoe for the pictures) and to meet lots of new people. Thank you to everybody who came along and a special thank you to the really kind person who helped me by cutting out all the cardboard rings, which must have taken him absolutely ages!