Jan 16, 2010

Dish & Ritz Exhibition


現在六本木ミッドタウンのRitz-Carlton、 Park Residencesで作品を展示しています。


Residences を訪れるたくさんの方に見てもらえると嬉しいです。



3月からは新宿のLa Vieでも作品を飾らせてもらう予定です。

Thank you to everybody who came to my exhibition at 'Dish' in Yoyogi-Uehara, Tokyo.

The exhibition took place between Mid-November right through to the end of 2009.

Thanks to everybody, especially the staff. It turned out to be a great success.

My work is currently being exhibited in the Ritz-Carlton, Tokyo in the Park Residences.

Unfortunately it is not for public view this time, but I will be holding another small exhibition in 'La Vie' in Shinjuku, Tokyo starting in March.

New Blog & News page!

Welcome to my new blog! (Soon to be linked to the website - http://www.meimatsuoka.com/)

The plan is to use this space as a news page that will be updated regularly, so please check it out every now and again. Thanks!

